Responsable: DISPROMÈDIA, S.L.
Finalitat: Respondre a les vostres consultes i enviar-vos informació comercial sobre els nostres serveis, fins i tot per correu electrònic
Legitimació: Consentiment de l'interessat
Destinataris: Les dades no es transferiran a tercers, excepte per obligació legal
Drets: Teniu dret a accedir, rectificar i esborrar dades, així com altres drets, com s'explica a la secció d'informació addicional
Informació addicional: Podeu consultar informació adcional i detallada sobre Protecció de dades al nostre text de Política de Privadesa
This year, the annual Targarina race organized by the Targari Athletics Club 100x100 Fondistes, celebrated twenty-third year of history on May 7th.
The race consists in two distances, 10km and 21km, and this year the participants received gifts as always for their participation.
Once again, Dispromèdia has designed the poster, for 14 years consecutive. Additionally, this year we have gone much further and we have completed the implementation of the new corporate image, designed by our design department at the end of 2022.
In this way, we have also launched, a new and more intuitive website and we had the privilege to dress the athletes in the new corporate t-shirt redesign of the Club, with an innovative and "fresh" design that replaces another of our designs.
As an anecdote, we highlight the participation of two of our colleagues from the company. We hope that next year we will have even more participants.
Health and legs!
The race consists in two distances, 10km and 21km, and this year the participants received gifts as always for their participation.
Once again, Dispromèdia has designed the poster, for 14 years consecutive. Additionally, this year we have gone much further and we have completed the implementation of the new corporate image, designed by our design department at the end of 2022.
In this way, we have also launched, a new and more intuitive website and we had the privilege to dress the athletes in the new corporate t-shirt redesign of the Club, with an innovative and "fresh" design that replaces another of our designs.
As an anecdote, we highlight the participation of two of our colleagues from the company. We hope that next year we will have even more participants.
Health and legs!