6 tips to improve SEO On-site
As Carlos Redondo says, time puts everyone in their place, but if you do SEO a little higher. Therefore, today we bring you 6 TIPS to improve search engine positioning.

Do you know the term SEO On-site?

SEO On-Site are the set of actions that we can apply within our website to optimize organic positioning in search engines. In other words, they are the actions that prepare the web page so that search engines understand it and can classify the content of the web to show it to users.

Here are the tips!

1.- Web content

Update the content of your website constantly with quality texts and keywords. You can create a blog and update it with articles of interest that contain the keywords, or add specific descriptions in the different sections of the web.

2.- HTML headers 

Structure your content with headings <H1> <H2> <H3> It is important to include these tags so that the search engine and users find the content ranked by theme.

3.- Loading speed

Check the loading speed of your website. 40% of users close a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load!

4.- URL 

Optimize your URL: it must be short, descriptive and must include the Keyword.

5.- Meta tags

Optimize the meta tags: make them clear, with attractive text and contain the keywords.

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