Dispromedia prepares the ground for disembarking at the Mobile World Congress 2019 (MWC2019)
This Monday, February 25, 2019, the Mobile World Congress 2019 (MWC2019) has begun in Barcelona, ​​where many technology companies from all over the world take part, the media echoes and performs a special day to day of it. All this gives an idea of ​​the impact that this fair represents, an event that Dispromedia is not going to miss ...

Due to this and given the interest that several foreign companies have expressed by the technology of Dispromedia, specifically with respect to our web management system Ebasnet, we have decided to participate in this fair.

So, Dispromedia and Ebasnet will be present at the MWC Brokerage Event 2019 this coming Thursday, February 28. During this day we will celebrate different meetings with the interested companies.

As we have already comented, this is an international event and this is confirmed by the meetings we have already planned, in which we will deal with companies from Poland, Romania, United Kingdom, Sri Lanka and India, among others.

Dispromedia and Ebasnet are being internationalized with new worldwide partners, what are you waiting for to be an Ebasnet Partner!

We see the MWC 2019 ...
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