Make your customers find you: tips to improve local SEO
Do you want to attract more customers to your local business? Today we will tell you about one of the most efficient marketing strategies to achieve it (and for free!): local SEO.

What is local SEO?

They are online actions that improve the positioning of your business, that is, when someone searches for the service that you offer, your business appears in the first results.

SEO Local: Tips 

Here are some quick tricks to improve your local SEO:
  • The Company Profile on Google is your ally: Register your business on this platform. Fill it in with relevant information, such as your address, hours, and photos. Remember to mark the most relevant categories of your business.
  • Upload your own images (avoid photos from image banks), and remember to put descriptions with the keywords that best fit your customers' search intentions.
  • Create posts directly on your Google business profile and link them to your website.
  • Local keywords: Research the keywords people use to search for businesses like yours in your area, and use them on your website and social media. These tools can help you: Google Trends, Ubersuggest o Keywordplanner.
  • Local Content: Write blogs or social media posts about local events, news, and helpful tips related to your business. This will help search engines to detect your page.
  • !Reviews and Testimonials: Ask your satisfied customers to leave reviews on your GMB profile. Positive reviews are gold for local SEO!
Ready to take your business to the next level?
And remember that if you need help... you can count on us and we'll help you position your business online!

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