Urgell Gastronomic Route
This week, the new Urgell Gastronomic Route was presented, a project that aims to promote sustainable tourism and the consumption of local products from the region.

All the information on the route can be found in the new section of the Turisme Urgell website created by the Dispromèdia team. An interactive section where the user can access three gastronomic itineraries from the different areas of Urgell, more than 20 recipes for traditional dishes, local products made in the area, and finally, a section where you can find a calendar with the different gastronomic appointments.

The gastronomic route has been presented by the Consell Comarcal de l’Urgell together with the magazine Cuina, in an event held in Mas de Colom (Tàrrega). This new edition has the participation of 22 restaurants in the region that are along the route, the aim is to promote quality cuisine and promote the gastronomic tourism of Urgell.

Take a look at the gastronomic route!


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