The artist Josep Minguell trusts Dispromedia again
Once again, Josep Minguell is once again trusting the Dispromèdia team and the Ebasnet platform to renew its website. This is a new project in which the website has been updated, both aesthetically and structurally.

Minguell is a renowned artist specializing in fresco painting in large architectural spaces. His long and successful career as a painter has led him to exhibit in various galleries around the world, and he has painted frescoes in such prominent places as the church of Sant Joan de Reus, the Faculty of Medicine of the UdL, or the Carrara Residence (Italy). He is currently making and completing the frescoes in our local parish of Tàrrega.

On the new website you will find the entire history of the artist, as well as an extensive gallery with all the projects he has developed throughout his career as an artist. The website also has a "video library" space where you can find a collection of his appearances in the media.

Take a look at their website:

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