The City of Captives (II)
Dispromédia once again collaborates with the Navarro Institute of Memory and the company La Foneria to give shape to a new historical project called "The City of the Captives".

La ciudad de los cautivos is a web portal that collects information about the situation of captivity that was lived in Pamplona between the years 1936 and 1945. The web is divided into two different sections, in the first section (The Captivity – Exhibition) the user You can take a tour of the history of Navarre and learn what captivity was, how the citizens of the territory lived it and why it happened in Navarre.

The second section of the website (The City – Map) incorporates a map of the city of Pamplona where all the detention centers and detention centers identified in this territory are located. Each of these centers on the map includes a descriptive sheet with complementary information and testimonials.

This project was carried out to preserve and spread the historical memory of Navarre.

You can visit the exhibition "La ciudad de los Cautivos" in the siguiente enlace. We hope you like it!
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