During February 2021, the Navarre Institute of Memory presented a historical file of the movement of conscientious objection and insubordination to Navarra, where a series of documents referring to these movements that began in the final stage of the Franco regime were compiled and presented.

Based on this cultural project, Núria Bonet and Gerard Crobella from the Cult-Tic company, were commissioned by the Government of Navarra to coordinate, organize, digitize and manage the documentation collected and launch an online exhibition to make it accessible to all citizens this historic project.

To structure and digitize the documents, Cult-Tic uses a web content manager specialized in the management of cultural content and archives (historical archives, interviews, photographs ...) called Dédalo, from the Valencian company Render.

Likewise, Cult-Tic entrusts Dispromèdia with the development of the web front of the online exhibition, that is, the web portal with the published information. These front-end feeds, through an API, from the information entered into the Dédalo platform.
We implement the web front using an open-source Javascript library, React Web. This facilitates the design of components and web interfaces allowing the web content to be loaded dynamically and in parts, that is, without having to reload an entire section or entire page. This technology is currently beginning to be used also in the websites and online stores created and managed with the Ebasnet platform to improve different functionalities.

Through this technology and coordinated by Gerard and Núria from Cult-Tic and technically supported by Render/Dédalo, we have programmed and layout the online exhibition “Memories of objection and insubordination in Navarra (1971-2002)”. It is an interactive web portal where the user can take a tour through the different stages of the movement, from the beginning of the objection to the end of compulsory military service in Spain.

In addition, the web portal also incorporates a compilation of definitions in dictionary format, testimonial accounts and interviews with people who were part of that struggle.

Finally, we take this opportunity to thank the members of Cult-Tic and Render for their trust, help and support for being able to participate and carry out this interesting cultural and historical memory conservation project.

You can now visit the online exhibition through https://navarraobjecioninsumision.org.

We hope you like it!
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