New App for Daic Moda
We present a new project in which the Dispromèdia team has had the opportunity to participate, in collaboration with the partner of Ebasnet Made Online. This is a mobile application from the Daic Moda brand, a women's clothing store that offers a wide catalog of exclusive brands.

Diac Moda already relied on the Ebasnet platform for the management of its online store, and has taken a step further by opening an application for iOS and Android in which users can place orders.

Our partner Made Online designed and programmed the Daic Moda app, along with technical support from our APP department. This is a native application that takes data from the Ebasnet system automatically. That is, it transforms the web page format into a mobile application, while maintaining the structure and designs of the web. In this way, the brand has more sales channels to bring its products to new users.

The app is now available in iOS and Android format on Google Play. Download the Daic Moda App at the following link:
Google Play:
App Store:

Or visit their website:

We hope you like it!

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