What mandatory legal texts must a website or online store have?
Every web project, be it a corporate web page or online store, must comply with certain legal regulations, we call this information "legal texts", and these will depend on the type of web project and its services.

It is very important that these legal texts are drawn up for us by a company specialized in the matter, since if they do not meet the minimum requirements established, we may be subject to penalties.

These companies, agencies or specialized consultancies will advise us on mandatory compliance issues such as: data protection, LOPD, GDPR, LSSI, among others.

The minimum legal texts that our web project must have are:
Legal warning.

Privacy policy.

Cookie policy

If our web project also offers online sales or service contracting services, we should also add the following:

Purchase conditions.

Terms of use.

Right of withdrawal - returns.

Contract conditions.

It is important to add the section on Resolution of online disputes in consumer matters in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, which we usually find in the text of purchase conditions, with a link to the EU platform http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

We can also add other recommended informative legal texts such as:

Payment methods available.

Shipping methods available.

Payment of orders in the store (if this payment option is valued in the physical store).

Collection of orders in the store (if this option of collection in the physical store is valued).

We recommend that the owners of any web project review and update these texts regularly, to adapt them to current and new regulations, in order to avoid possible surprises.
This information is merely informative and as a reminder to any owner of a web project, contact your company specializing in this matter to confirm which legal texts must be incorporated into your web project.

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