New Mikel Tube game APP
We really wanted to announce the new games APP for Mikel Tube (Mikel Tube Adventures), a well-known youtuber of children's content that has more than 5 million followers and where most of his funny videos of Leo and Mikel are counted by millions of reproductions.

After the success we had with Sorpresas Divertidas and its App, we also started this new project with the company Final Boss, who provided us with the technical direction and the final art for our App Development department to program the entire game.

At the moment these are two mini-games where boys and girls from 9 to 12 years old can have a good time showing their skills, either individually or playing 2 players at the same time. One of these games, Cannon Copters, allows this type of modality, not very widespread in this type of game.

We thank the entire Mikel Tube family for their trust.


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