Revitalize your brand in a omnichannel world
Revitalize your brand in a omnichannel world.

April 12, 2019
From 9.30h to 11.30h.

Classrooms of Cambra de Comerç de Lleida.

Ricard Pàmies Martí
Technical Engineer in Computer Systems.
Web programmer.

Xavier Verdú Payá
Computer technician
Expert in web servers, virtualization and web positioning.

Presentation 1:      
Your website or e-commerce as the center of your omnichannel strategy.
SPEAKER: Ricard Pàmies Martí

Presentation 2:      
Achieve your business goals by positioning, analyzing and acting on your website or e-commerce.
SPEAKER: Xavier Verdú Payá

MODERATOR: Sílvia Ibáñez Jornet. Consultora d’ACCIÓ I INNOVACIÓ

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