Newly! New web page of Cangurs Tarrega
Great news! Today we present to you the new website of Cangurs Tarrega, with an attractive and intuitive redesign, in collaboration with one of our Partners @madeonline.

The new Cangurs Tarrega website has added a new module to the menu bar, the "baby list", which is a new tool that helps parents create a list of the items they need the most for the birth of their child.

Once a user account is created on the website, thanks to our Partner @madeonline, you can create the list with the items you want, specify the quantity, and share it with the users you desire.

Once the list is shared, users can choose from the products on the list, select the quantity they want to buy, and have them sent directly to the future parents' home or pick them up directly from the store.

The purchase can be made online using a credit card, and here is the link for the future parents:

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