Dispromèdia launches an APP by youtuber Núria  (Sorpresas Divertidas)
We were really looking forward to announcing this news. Dispromèdia has carried out together with the company Final Boss, also from Tàrrega.
This children's App is called "NADURINES", who are the inhabitants of the magical island designed by Sorpresas Divertidas.
Thus, the announcement of this APP coincides with a year after presenting the website of Sorpresas Divertidas (www.sorpresasdivertida.com) ind the video of the story of Neala (the channel's own doll), made by the Calidos company. They have been working for many months working closely with Final Boss and obviously with our dear client Núria who, once again, trusts Dispromèdia and her team.

We have been working for many months working closely with Final Boss and obviously with our dear client Núria who, once again, trusts Dispromèdia and her team.

This APP is an entertainment tool for the little ones in the family but it has also been made with educational content. On the one hand, the little ones can play mini-games with environmental content and on the other hand they can feed, dress and bathe Neala, the protagonist of the game.

At the gates of Christmas 2019, Núria presents the app, along with her new dolls: Neala, Nil, Malik and Petra and also her stuffed animals (thorium): Darwin, Marie, Sally and Edison. Dispromedia has also designed all its packaging.

We are especially very excited to be an important part in this project 100% of our city, since from the first moment, the youtuber from Tàrrega, Nuria trusted us and we surrounded ourselves with great professionals also from Tàrrega to implement this project so and so enriching.

We leave you with one of the latest videos where Núria and her daughter Claudia present their new products and also the APP:

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