This new section allows the purchase of the painter’s work

The artist Josep Minguell offers a new section on his website

The trust of the prestigious muralist painter from Tàrrega Josep Minguell in the Dispromèdia team has been renewed once again in 2024. After updating his website ( with us two years ago (see news), this year the internationally renowned artist has commissioned us to expand his site with a new section.

Under the heading Small Format Gallery, this new section of Minguell's site offers the possibility for users who admire his work to acquire his creations. Specifically, the artist offers small format works, whether they be graphic, on paper, strappo, paintings or publications related to his creative work. The new section provides, in addition to a photograph of each work for sale, a brief technical description and the price of the piece. Likewise, anyone interested in purchasing a work has a form available to contact the painter and finalize the deal.

Josep Minguell is one of the few artists worldwide who works in fresco painting, specializing in large architectural spaces. His extensive and successful artistic career has allowed him to exhibit in galleries around the world and to paint fresco murals in prominent locations such as the Church of Sant Joan de Reus, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lleida, the Palace of the Provincial Council of Lleida, the City Hall of Tàrrega or the Carrara Residence in Italy. One of his most recent works is the murals decorating the apse of the parish church of Santa Maria de l’Alba in Tàrrega, known as the Catalan Sistine Chapel. In fact, the excellence of his work has earned him prestigious recognitions, including the Creu de Sant Jordi awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2022 (see news).

Check out the new section on his website at:

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